This was the book that started it all. I published Marketing has no off Switch in 2009, right after completing a national road trip with NAB Business.
Over 17 seminars, most delivered at 6.30am in the morning - eek! - I had the pleasure of sitting with the general manager of NAB Business and a range of cashflow and finance experts.
The GM kept saying to me, hey you should put your presentation into a book - it's great information for small business owners.
He also kindly wrote me a note for the back cover of the book.
I remember standing outside our offices waiting for the truck to arrive with the printed books - I was like a cat on a hot tin roof.
And the book really became the catalyst for the fastest growth spurt in our history taking our business eventually to over 20 staff and a multi million dollar revenue.
We received broad publicity for the book in major newspapers, television and radio including a one hour segment on radio national which was pretty cool.
The book is available on AMAZON and details the same five step marketing model that we use today and that has helped generate over two billion in revenue growth for our clients.